Corona Virus Diaries


COVID-19 This Too Shall Pass.

My Aunt Sophia was my mother’s sister. This 13 year old came to America from Austria with her nine year old sister in tow. She learned bookkeeping to help support her family while only finishing the seventh grade.  She was; self read, self taught, selfless and oh so loving.

The quote above repeated over and over during our 40 + years together and in my head since her death in 1986 has helped me navigate cancer (twice) ,a horrid divorce, hip replacement surgery, a stroke and diabetes.    AH LIFE…..  Ups and Downs.

Darkness is so overwhelming especially when experienced alongside fear.

The persona I revealed to the world was a fearless one. I was brash, and an extrovert who had a loud and engaging personality, but in truth I shared my intimate secrets only with my diary.
I would sit in my bedroom ,unlock with a key my tiny red book and expose myself to an inanimate object that never talked back.  
Only after writing pages and pages of my thoughts ,my fears, my anger and my dreams was I able to clear a space for my next day and compartmentalize them.
The mornings that followed found the darkness and fear smaller not evaporated but smaller.
To come out of the dark place I learned to share myself. A lesson taught by my Aunt Sophia.

March 2020 , is a dark place for many of us but also is a perfect place to share yourself and  your thoughts with someone special.Reach out to your “Aunt Sophia”.
         Remember………This too shall pass………

77 years wise…….Thank you for your contribution Joan!!

  1. Such beautiful words; in times like this, we need to be reminded that This too shall pass to combat any sense of hopelessness. Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart.

  2. Aunt Sophia, an angel on earth, wise and wonderful. And my dearest friend, Joan, part of my heart forever.

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