New Resources for Working Moms


Being a mom and having a career can be overwhelming, especially in the age of COVID-19. Suddenly, your mom life and your work life have melded together, creating new challenges to navigate. Luckily, there are hundreds of new resources to help working moms do it all. We’ve chosen some of the best ones for whatever your situation may be so that you can conquer your daily routine and stay afloat, no matter what life throws at you next.  

Resources for Remote Work

Remote work has exploded since March, with most companies adopting new protocols to protect employees from COVID-19. Now that it’s clear that remote work is here to stay for the long haul, it’s a good time to reevaluate your work-from-home strategy. If you need some inspiration, check out Trello’s Remote Work Guide for Parents that addresses topics such as how to build a routine and how to get your kids involved in your work life.

The best way to succeed at remote working is to communicate with your employer. Women often take the majority of family responsibilities on top of their workloads, so it is more crucial than ever to understand your rights as a parent and employee. The organization Family Values at Work has compiled a Worker’s Rights Factsheet that tells you everything you need to know about paid sick days, family leave and more.

If you need some inspiration from real working women, PowerToFly compiled a list of 50 tips from working professional moms about how they manage to juggle it all. And if you’re having trouble getting work done at home, talking to your employer about your concerns might seem nerve-wracking, but experts advise that it’s the best course of action. Before reaching out to your boss, read these tips from The Muse about how to get the most out of the conversation.

Resources for Online School

With the school year underway, kids are experiencing their own challenges that come with online school – hours of virtual classes, a lack of connection to their friends and teachers, and plenty of unstructured time. Many parents are concerned about their children’s well-being and education, and experts have responded with resources that will help ease both parents and kids into the new normal of online school.

Start with this list of online learning resources from or Education Reimagined’s Distance Learning Resource Center which provides hundreds of articles, reports, activities, guides, videos, apps and more for parents. You can peruse the lists on your own or have your kids help find activities that best fit their interests and needs.

It’s also important to create a space that will allow kids to focus and enjoy their school time. If you don’t know where to start, Khan Academy’s guide to setting up an online learning space at home will get you on the right foot. For visual ideas, check out Pinterest’s Home Learning Spaces inspiration board that is followed by over 23,000 parents.

Even though this school year looks different from the past, setting your child up for success this school year on top of managing a career reminds us that working moms are capable of anything.

Resources for Getting Organized

An organized space is conducive to productivity, so if your physical spaces are in need of some organization, cleaning up can help you get more done and be happier. The Spruce has a list of 40 ideas to streamline any space in your home, from your junk drawer to your bedroom, and if your work-from-home office isn’t working for you, this list of tips and tools from organizational expert Marie Kondo will help make your office space more efficient and pleasant. 

Organizing your time can also help you get more out of your day and benefit from free time. Tasks such as cleaning, cooking and getting ready don’t have to be time-consuming. The Modern Village provides in-depth online resources and guides for working parents, from how to meal prep to how to set your child up for online school. Their scheduling spreadsheet tool for parents is especially helpful for sticking to a routine and building structure into your day.

Including kids in household chores and organization can be a learning experience and can help build independence and responsibility, according to child development experts. If you’re struggling how to best engage your kids with household tasks, these 11 Tips to Teach Young Kids the Value of Cleaning Up are a great place to start. Getting organized doesn’t have to feel like a chore, and it can be a liberating way to gain control of your time and your space.

Resources for Managing Stress 

It’s more important than ever to carve out time for yourself, whether it’s a few minutes each day or a relaxing evening once a week. Meditation apps like Calm or Headspace are a great way to relax if you’re short on time. You can even check out recorded webinars about how to manage stress, time and family during COVID-19 through The Motherhood Center of New York.

Exercising is also a proven way to de-stress. If you’re looking for more activities to do with your kids, exercise is an excellent way to engage everyone’s minds and bodies. GoNoodle has activities geared at getting young kids to move with engaging games and activities that can be done indoors, and for older kids or those who want to incorporate more fitness, Nerd Fitness has a guide for How To Exercise with Your Kids.

For mental health resources from experts for parents and children, including articles, hotlines and tips, check out Harvard’s guide for How to Support Children (and Yourself) During the COVID-19 Outbreak or NYU’s Mental Health COVID-19 Resources for Families.

If you need extra support managing your stress, it’s always a good idea to turn to a professional. If you don’t have time to commit to weekly sessions with a therapist, apps such as Talkspace or BetterHelp offer online counseling over phone or text so you can get support through any of life’s challenges and stresses.

Resources to Connect with Other Working Moms

No mom is an island and connecting with other working moms can give you a sense of community and support in your daily life. Even though many social activities are canceled in the face of the pandemic, there are still opportunities to connect with other working moms.

Working Moms Connection is a nonprofit organization that offers a platform for working mothers to give advice, attend virtual events and trainings, and network together. Another virtual community is MOPS (which stands for Mothers of Preschoolers but is open to any mom), which offers meetups in your area, virtual events, a magazine and an active Facebook group.

Lucie’s List also published a guide of Virtual Resources for Connection and Support for New Parents during the COVID-19 Pandemic which includes resources such as mom support groups, virtual meetups and online parenting classes. 

It’s more important than ever to feel connected to other moms who are going through the same struggles of working, teaching and parenting. Even though the current global situation has made new challenges for working moms, these resources are here to help guide and support you for anything that comes your way.


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